Waste Information Locator
Waste Information Locator
(1) University Group
Academic Laboratory Waste Management
Art Studio and Photographic Waste Management
Athletics Waste Management
Facilities, Housing & Dining Waste Management
Office/Clerical Waste Management
Research Farms/Stations
(2) Waste Category
Maintenance Wastes
Other Wastes
Project Waste
(3) Waste Type
Insulations & floor tiles
Lead paint chips
Radioactive self-luminous exit sign
Radioactive smoke detector
Transformer and elevator oils

Facilities, Housing & Dining Waste Management -> Project Waste -> Radioactive smoke detector
Waste Classification Management Disposal
Radioactive material Contact REHS. Each radioactive smoke detector should have a durable, legible, readily visible label or marking on the external surface of the smoke detector. It will include the words, "contains radioactive material," as well as the name of the radionuclide (ex. Am-241 or Americium 241) and the quantity of activity (ex. 1 microcurie). Contact REHS by phone 732-445-2550 or online: http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/%7Erehs/forms/radwaste.php